Track and Field Day

Elementary Track and Field Day 2024

May 8, 2024

Grades 1-3

  • Start time- 8:45 A.M. until finished or lunch time. We will try to run things as quickly as possible so we can finish and have all students back in time for lunch.

  • A list of events and heat sheets will be available to parents. We will get those sent out through email.

  • All students will do hurdles and the shuttle relay. 3rd graders will do the 4x100 meter relay. They will have a choice to choose between the 50m dash and the 100m dash. They will also have a choice between the 200m dash and the 300m dash. 

Grades 4-6

  • Start time- 12:45 until finished or 2:50 P.M. We will try to run things as quickly as possible so we can finish and have all students back inside to get ready for the end of the day.

  • A list of events and heat sheets will be available to parents. We will get those sent out through email.

  • All students will do hurdles and the 4x100 meter relay. They will have a choice to choose between the 50m dash and the 100m dash. They will also have a choice between the 200m dash and the 300m dash. 

Things to Bring

  • Water bottle

  • Sun Screen

  • Hat

  • Sunglasses

  • Towel or Blanket to sit on

  • Warmer clothes just in case the weather does not cooperate.


The grass may be wet. We do not have enough tarps for each class to use. If there is anyone in your class that is willing to borrow one, that would help make sure all students stay dry. Hopefully we have a great day!