Ada-Borup families –

 Starting on Monday January 25, we will be making a change to our learning model. We are going to have all students return for in-person learning. There will not be any change for the elementary, but the high school will be moving from hybrid to in-person.

 The goal is to be able to remain in this model for the remainder of the school year. We understand the situations may arise and this may not be possible, but that is the ultimate goal. To accomplish this goal, we are going to continue to need your help. We are asking you to continue to practice good COVID-19 behaviors to keep the spread within the surrounding area and the school community down. If we begin to see too many cases affecting the school district, we would have to make a change back to a more restrictive model. We ask you to do your part in making sure we can keep all of our students in an in-person learning model.

 To continue to comply with executive order 20-94, we will be continuing with at-home learning on Wednesdays. This is the plan we currently have and there will be no change to the Wednesday plan at this time.

 Families that wish to remain in distance learning will continue to have the ability to do so. Since January 25 is the beginning of a new quarter families can also decide to return to in-person learning if they had previously chosen the distance learning option.

 We are excited to have all of our students back in the building!


Aaron Cook
