Nurse's Corner

Hello parents- school nurse Tracy here just reaching out to all the parents and guardians who are going through this pandemic “alone together.”  There are so many factors at play during this new “norm” for our children, families, and schools. I want you to know I am here for you!  As the school nurse- I often connect with you only when your child is feeling ill, when I need to make sure immunizations are up to date, or there are issues with hearing or vision.  However, your child can’t be healthy if parents or guardians are not healthy.  Health is more than just not being physically ill.  Mental health is of utmost importance for all of us.  If you are feeling stressed, this is not healthy for you OR your child.  Stress is normal, this pandemic stress is NOT.  If you need help identifying assistance or supports to help you manage your stress or feel that your mental health is deteriorating due to all these stressors- please call or email me and I will connect you with appropriate supports.  Many of us (myself included) have never spent this much time with our children- add being their teachers to that equation- and tension is not unusual.  Let me help if I can!  218-280-3125 or

Tracy Johnson

Ada-Borup School Nurse
