Governor Walz announced this morning closures of all schools to students in Minnesota beginning Wednesday, March 18 through Friday March 27. Ada-Borup Schools WILL be in operation Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17.
This closure is to give staff time to plan to provide educational services in the event of a longer school closure. We will also be using the time to deep clean the school and buses.
IF you are a member of the emergency services profession (law enforcement, fire department, EMTs, etc.) and/or the medical profession that has school aged children between the ages of 4 and 12, please contact the school Monday or Tuesday, March 16 and 17. We will make arrangements to provide supervision for your children during what would be regular school hours.
The school district is in process of making arrangements for the food service program to remain in operation. More information will be coming out on the process.
Please remember the basics for prevention – thorough and frequent hand washing, covering sneezes and coughs, cleaning frequently touched surfaces, practicing social distancing (maintain a 3 – 6 foot separation between you and others) and staying away from large gatherings of people.
As more information is made available, we will post on our website.
Thank you